How to control your weeds in winter

Weed in garden. How to control your weeds in NZ winter with Solo NZ


Winter in New Zealand can make garden maintenance unappealing, but it's a great time for weed control. Managing weeds effectively during this season can help prepare your garden for the warmer months ahead.

Understanding winter weeds

Identifying common winter weeds is the first step. In New Zealand, chickweed, shepherd’s purse, and annual poa are some of the most prevalent. These weeds thrive in cooler, damp conditions, so you’ll need to work quickly to get on top of them.


One effective method for suppressing weeds is mulching. Applying a thick layer of organic mulch, such as wood chips, straw, or bark, can prevent light from reaching weed seeds, shutting down their growth. Mulch also helps retain soil moisture and adds nutrients as it breaks down, benefiting your garden in multiple ways.

Hand weeding

Hand weeding, though not always enjoyable, is highly effective, especially for smaller gardens or isolated weed patches. After a good rain, the soil is softer, making it easier to pull out weeds, roots and all. Regular hand weeding during winter ensures weeds don’t have a chance to establish themselves and spread.

Cover crops

Planting cover crops, also known as green manure, can be beneficial during winter. Crops like oats, rye, or clover grow quickly, covering the soil and outcompeting weeds. These cover crops can later be turned into the soil to improve its structure and fertility. Grab your Solo sprayer to water these cover crops, so they establish quickly and cover the ground effectively.


For significant weed problems, herbicides are a practical solution. In New Zealand, various herbicides are available for home use. It's important to follow the instructions carefully and choose a product suitable for your specific weed problem. Applying herbicides on a calm, dry day with your Solo sprayer will prevent drift and ensure the product works effectively. The precision of a Solo sprayer helps target weeds directly, reducing the risk of harming the plants you actually want to keep!

Lawn care

Focusing on lawn care during winter can help maintain a healthy, thick lawn that outcompetes many types of weeds. Regular mowing, even during winter, prevents weeds from setting seeds. Additionally, aerating your lawn improves soil structure and drainage, which can help reduce weed growth. If applying a liquid fertiliser or weed control solution, your Solo sprayer will distribute it evenly across your lawn.

Garden hygiene

Maintaining good garden hygiene is another key aspect of weed control. Removing dead plants and debris where weeds can hide and thrive is essential. Properly composting garden waste can prevent weed seeds from spreading. Ensuring your compost reaches a high temperature will kill off any weed seeds before using it in your garden.

Tool maintenance

Winter is an excellent time to check and maintain garden tools. Cleaning, sharpening, and oiling tools ensures they're in good condition for the growing season. Sharp tools make weeding easier and more effective, reducing the effort required and improving results. Cleaning your Solo sprayer after use also ensures it remains in top condition, ready for the next application.

Planning ahead

Use the winter months to plan your garden layout and planting schedule for the upcoming seasons. Planting ground covers and dense planting schemes naturally suppresses weeds. Planning garden beds to minimise bare soil significantly reduces the space available for weeds to grow. When it's time to plant, your Solo sprayer can help with applying liquid fertilisers or treatments to new plants, giving them a strong start. Don’t have a Solo sprayer? Now’s the time to get one!

Consistent effort and a combination of methods tailored to your garden's specific needs will help keep those pesky weeds at bay. By following these practical tips, you’ll manage weeds effectively during winter and set the stage for a healthier, more vibrant garden in the spring. Happy gardening!

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