Shipping Info


How much will shipping cost?

Shipping depends on the weight of the product you’re purchasing, and where you’re located. Shipping is calculated at checkout, so you know exactly what you’re paying before you complete your purchase.

When will my order arrive?

Generally, products are dispatched on the same working day as the order is received (if received before 3.30pm) but may take up to 7 days (if urban) or 10 days (if rural), unless the product states it will be delivered to your local Mainfreight depot.

 Pick up or Shipping?

We ship Nationwide, but you can order online and select pick-up from our Hamilton store – 19 Glennis Place, Frankton (off Ellis Street).

Who Delivers My Orders?

We use both Aramex and Mainfreight to deliver your order.

Solo NZ Shipping Policies

  • The customer shall meet the cost of delivery according to Solo’s freight share policy.
  • Orders will be accepted by Solo NZ Ltd, for delivery in New Zealand only. We cannot deliver to a Post Office box. We are not responsible for loss or damage to goods that are delivered to an incorrect address.
  • Dispatch times may vary according to availability and any guarantees or representations made as to delivery times are subject to any delays resulting from postal delays or force majeure for which we will not be responsible.
  • We will notify you if your product cannot be dispatched.
  • Delivery charges will be added to each order and shown as a separate item before you choose to enter your payment details and confirm your order.
  • Many products require some assembly. With the products that require assembly you have the option to collect the item from your local dealer assembled at no extra cost to you or have the machine delivered to your address and self-assemble. Please note you should have your machine serviced by a Solo NZ Ltd approved dealer in order not to void your warranty.